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The presence of age spots on the skin of a person often causes discomfort. Such spots can occur due to the accumulation of a huge amount of melanin in the upper layers of the skin. Excessive accumulation of melanin on the surface of the skin leads to the fact that some of its parts are painted brown.
Hormonal disorders, age-related changes, poisoning, diseases, excessive tanning, etc. can also be the cause of the formation of age spots.
Despite the fact, that age spots can appear at any age, the main category who most often suffer from hyperpigmentation is women after 35 years. This is due to the fact that over time, the level of melanocytes in the skin begins to gradually increase, which leads to the formation of age spots. Also, often, age spots on the face and body appear after prolonged exposure to the sun or abuse of sun exposure.

Laser removal of age spots (pigmentation)

The clinic of cosmetology and medicine Gold Laser in Kyiv will help you get rid of pigmentation once and for all. Your skin will regain its former beauty and attractiveness.
The Gold Laser Clinic removes age spots on the face with a laser for all age categories.
The most modern and effective method of getting rid of spots on the face is laser removal or laser photothermolysis.

Removal of age spots on the face is implemented using DOT technology, that is, dermal optical thermolysis, which allows you to see a good result after 2-3 procedures. Laser therapy does not damage the skin and does not cause pain. This procedure is carried out without anesthesia. You should not worry about scars and seams. At the end of the session, patients can immediately return to their usual lifestyle, without fear of complications.
In the process of laser therapy, skin cells are renewed, and the process of collagen production begins. Removal of pigmentation by laser photothermolysis restores youthful and even color to the skin of the face and body.

An individual program is developed for each patient, in which the number of sessions depends on the degree of skin damage. The maximum effect when using this method can be achieved as a result of 1 to 3 sessions of laser therapy.

Laser technology for removing age spots is considered the most effective way to get rid of pigmentation on the skin. If you suffer from such an inconvenience, do not be afraid to consider laser correction.

The cost of treating age spots in Kyiv

Pigmentation removal up to 4 cm
800 UAH
Pigmentation Removal 10 cm
3000 UAH
Pigmentation removal over 10 cm2
8500 UAH
Anesthesia (cream)
700 UAH
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