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Treatment for stretch marks and laser resurfacing of striae is the most popular procedure among women of all age categories. After all, it is the problem of the formation of striae that stands as a stone barrier in front of the image of the owner of a fit body. Striae spoil the stomach, hips and, even, the chest (in nursing mothers). For many women, this problem causes a lot of complexes about the figure in general, and the choice of clothes in particular: you have to deny yourself the pleasure to try on a short skirt or an open top with a deep neckline. Patients often get afflicted with stretch marks after childbirth, which they want to remove as soon as possible.
1. How undergoes the treatment of stretch marks? |
2. The benefits of laser resurfacing |
3. Prices for laser stretch mark removal in Kyiv |
Often, there are several reasons for the appearance of stretch marks, and they act on the woman’s body at the same time. Among the main ones, the following can be distinguished:
As a rule, rubbing creams and peels into stretched skin of even the most famous brands of cosmetics – cannot provide significant result. And the only procedure to remove stretch marks once and for all until recently was plastic surgery.
Now everything has changed. Kyiv, with its many capabilities, provides a procedure called laser removal of stretch marks in the clinic of cosmetology and medicine Gold Laser. Laser removal of stretch marks is by far the most effective removal method.
There are other methods, such as peelings, mesotherapy yet the effect of these methods is superficial (in order to partially get rid of stretch marks, a course of procedures of 6-9 procedures will be needed), and not for long term. Over time it will be necessary to carry out the procedure again while having passed the course CO2 resurfacing (which consists of an average of 3-4 procedures) – you can forget about stretch marks forever.
Laser stretch marks removal is a completely safe and painless technology that will help to truly give your body a healthy and well-groomed look! Laser resurfacing of striae will not take you much time and will guarantee 100% of the result. How is everything going?
Treatment of stretch marks, including postpartum ones, is a procedure during which the laser acts on the stretched skin area and “vaporizes” its upper layer up to 1 mm deep. This makes it possible for young non-atrophied tissue to form at this site. The process of formation of a new healthy skin starts immediately after the first session. It should be noted that fresher stretch marks with a laser are much easier to remove than those that are older. Old stretch marks are more difficult to correct though in our clinic you can get rid of them.
However, even striae can be made almost invisible if you appeal to the Gold Laser Clinic services. Thus, based on the consultation and the conclusion of the dermatologist, you are assigned the necessary number of procedures. The session can be held 1 time every 3-4 weeks. As a rule, a minimum of 3-4 procedures is required.
The summary of the benefits of laser correction and treatment of stretch marks in Kyiv:
Striae (zone 10×10 cm) | 3000 UAH | ||
Anesthesia (cream) | 700 UAH |
Після пологів з’явилися розтяжки на животі та судинна сіточка на обличчі. Звернулася до лікаря-дерматолога та за допомогою шліфування позбулася розтяжок. Судини хожу періодично видаляти на неодимовому лазері, задоволена результатом. Рекомендую Gold Laser, як клініку з якісним лікуванням та доступними цінами.
В клініці знаходиться один із самих дієвих та потужних лазерів для видалення рубців і шліфування обличчя. Я вже другий сезон проходжу шліфування рубців постакне. Результат дуже хороший, я бачу покращення стану шкіри. Мені імпонує підхід в лікування, не просто робиться шліфування, а й комплексно корегують мій домашній догляд та постпроцедури.
После рождения двойняшек, у меня осталось на животе много растяжек, так как живот был очень большой во время беременности и кожа очень сильно растянулась. Пробовала разные методики народные, но без помощи пластического хирурга никак не обошлось. Врач принял и очень все доступно объяснил, назначил нужные анализы и после них уже согласовали дату операции. Очень волновалась за результат, но операция прошла успешно, спасибо доктору.
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