Mon-Sun 10:00-20:00
Lush hair from thick and healthy hair has always been, is and will be an adornment of any person, as a necessary attribute of beauty. As a rule, with age, hair falls out, becomes brittle and sparse, and we resort to all kinds of methods to maintain the former beauty and health of hair. One of the modern and most successful methods of therapy is the method of hair plasma therapy.
The study of hair follicles made it possible to make an amazing discovery that platelets play a leading role in their growth and development. Platelets are specific proteins that are growth factors, that is, they stimulate the growth and development of damaged cells. The key and leading role in the effect of plasma therapy belongs to plasma platelets, which are introduced into the tissues of the head.
With this method, the active substance is its own human plasma, which is a powerful tool for combating alopecia. Plasma therapy strengthens and heals weak and diseased hair, making it silky and strong. At the same time, the skin is cleansed, the sebaceous glands of the head normalize, and the fungal infection dies.
Indications are hair loss for any reason, regardless of the degree of baldness.
There are several more contraindications to the operation:
Before the procedure, it is not recommended to take drugs that can disrupt blood coagulation and platelet activity. Examination before the introduction of plasma includes a blood test for the presence of a possible infection.
Platelet-rich plasma is obtained from the patient’s own donor material – blood. After taking venous blood, it is centrifuged twice, after which the blood is divided into red blood cells and the blood plasma itself. The resulting plasma is treated with a special physical or chemical method and then injected into the problem areas of the scalp.
After the introduction of blood plasma into problem areas, hair loss slows down for 2-3 days, completely stops after the second procedure, and the duration of the therapeutic effect is 1 year. To obtain a longer effect, it is necessary to conduct at least 3-4 treatment sessions.
The duration of the procedure does not exceed 30 minutes, and the procedure itself is painless and leaves no residue on the head. Before the operation, you need to be examined by a trichologist and find out the presence of weak and sick, but live hair follicles.
Hair Plasma Therapy | 3000 UAH |
Trichologist consultation + computer hair diagnostics | 700 UAH |
Зробила плазмотерапію шкіри голови. Результати порадували, волосся стало менше випадати, шкіра голови менше жирніє. Якщо до плазми я мила голову кожен день,то тепер раз в 3 дні. Рекомендую!
Thank you to all your team. Really, it means allot to me. I had gone through difficult time while I was having hair loss. You always tried your best, thank you so much for all your support. Today my reports are normal and good just because all of you!
Обратилась в клинику GoldLaser с проблемой выпадения волос. Врач меня успокоила и сказала, что мне поможет курс плазмотерапии. И действительно, после курса процедур (их было 3), волосы стали выглядеть лучше, начали расти новые волоски. Очень довольна данной процедурой. Теперь хочу провести такую процедуру и для лица)
Клиника понравилась. Хороший сервис и везде было чисто. А для меня гигиена приоритет. Мед.персоналу можно доверять.
Столкнулась с проблемой выпадения волос. Перепробовала очень много средств от выпадения волос, как украинских так и зарубежных, но результата так и не увидела. Много слышала и читала про плазмотерапию, но как то побаивалась делать уколы. Но все таки решилась и записалась на данную процедуру к врачу трихологу в клинику Gold Laser. Прошла три процедуры плазмотерапии, и даже не ожидала такого результата - волосы перестали выпадать и начали расти новые. Эффект от плазмотерапии превзошел мои ожидания. Действительно эффективная процедура!!!Всем рекомендую!!!
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