Mon-Sun 10:00-20:00
Hair loss is a stress factor for everybody because alopecia is chiefly associated with ageing. Hair transplantation can make hair beautiful again and will help you regain confidence.
Trichologists have been studying the problems of restoring the lost hair for a long time and have concluded that it is impossible to restore the lost volume, but it is easier to help natural hair with healthy bulbs to get strong and thick.
The causes of alopecia, or hair loss, are often related to generic heredity, but hair can also fall out due to chronic diseases, impaired cell metabolism and infectious hair bulb diseases.
Hair transplantation is a laborious, time-consuming and effortful technique, but the final result will not only make you look beautiful and young, but will also help you regain confidence. During the surgery, separate hair bulbs and not skin areas are transplanted from the temporal and occipital regions.
This operation helps get rid of the following esthetic shortcomings:
Hair transplantation is contraindicated in the following cases:
The main advantages of this manipulation are as follows:
Hair is transplanted by seamless grafting (follicular isolation).
The seamless method involves cutting of small skin patches (grafts) of 1–6 hair follicles and their transplantation on the hair loss area, which prevents scars. Up to 3,000 transplants can be grafted in one session.
Depending on the scope, transplant duration is 2 to 7 hours.
A sterile bandage is put on the sampling site after the operation to prevent swelling and bruising; it can be taken off after 2–3 days. The patient should stay at home for about and refrain from washing hair for about a week.
The rejection risk is small at around 5–10 %. Taking into account the hair growth rate, the effect can be appreciated 3–4 months after the surgery.
As a rule, if a larger area needs to be grafted, the hair restoration surgery is performed in several steps. The larger the area the rarer is the hair. During repeated operations, either the grafting area or the thickness of hair is increased.
It is not recommended to transplant others’ hair or their synthetic substitutes. Others’ hair is rejected by the body as a foreign object, and synthetic hair is easier to transplant but harder to take care of.
Manipulation name | Ph.D. (Medicine) | Plastic surgeon |
Hair transplantation (<1000 grafts), 1 graft | – | 40 uah |
Hair transplantation (>1000 graft), 1 graft | – | 30 uah |
Hair transplantation (eyebrows, beard), 1 graft | – | 35 – 50 uah |
Hair plasmotherapy | – | 2000 uah |
I really wanted more hair. I was looking for many clinics where I could do a hair transplant operation. was at a consultation with various surgeons. but I liked the Gold Laser clinic the most. I decided to have an operation. I really like the result, 4 months have passed, I live in another country and I have no need to return. I'm good. Thanks for the service. I'm happy
Please thank everyone at the clinic. You’ve all made my dream come true, I was struggling a lot with my situation but the process with you guys was easy, informative and stress free. I will be recommending you to anyone that’s asks about surgery. Also a thank you to the staff that done the transport they always talked and put you at ease. There is literally no words I could use to express how grateful I am.
До не давних пор считал, что пересадка волос- нечто несуществующее в медицине (совсем не знаю о новинках в хирургической медицине). Мне уже не 20 лет и к моему сожалению, проблема с выпадением волос и облысения в результате, настигла и меня. Думал, придётся носить парик. Но, моя жена, промониторив интернет-просторы, рассказала мне про методику бесшовной пересадки волос и даже нашла подходящую клинику для такой непростой процедуры. Пообщавшись с администратором, которая доступно и исчерпывающе ответила на все, волнующие меня, вопросы. Для подобрали удобную дату и время, что очень сложно сделать, так как у меня очень ненормированный график. В день процедуры, мне подробно рассказали, что будут делать со мной) В результате, я лежал и занимался своими делами по работе, пока мне делали пересадку волос, очень удобно так как, это делается под местной анестезией. И красоту навел, и поработал. Одним словом- МОЛОДЦЫ! Подход, отношение, качество- хвалю и уважаю.
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