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Dermatocosmetologist deals with the solution of human aesthetic problems. Today, cosmetology is one of the rapidly developing areas. In the process of their work, cosmetologists use many physical, chemical and biological techniques that have a complex effect on the skin and its appendages (nails, hair).

What does a dermatocosmetologist do?

The responsibilities of this specialist include:

  • consultation of clients on aesthetic problems with skin, hair or nails;
  • comprehensive examination to identify pathology;
  • the ability to choose the right treatment methodology and put it into practice;
  • advising a client about skin care methods, preventative measures, etc.

At the Gold Laser Clinic, you can count on professional advice from outstanding dermatocosmetologists. Our staff is qualified dermatovenerologists who have undergone additional specialization in the course of cosmetology. Our staff also includes specialists in laser and injection techniques, which greatly expands possible solutions to problems and provides an excellent alternative to surgical treatment.

For what questions can I contact a dermatocosmetologist?

You will need the help of a dermatocosmetologist if:

  • wrinkles appeared on the skin, it became rough and dry;
  • you have an acne or blackhead rash;
  • you want to get rid of cellulite without the use of surgical techniques;
  • you do not like the contours of your face or the size of your lips;
  • you want your scars, stretch marks to become less noticeable or permanently get rid of them;
  • the skin visually aged and lost elasticity.

How is the consultation going?

The duration and features of the consultation depend on the purpose of your visit. If you first came to the appointment, then a dermatocosmetologist will ask you about skin problems, find out what cosmetic products you are using now, and also used before that. The next part of the consultation is an examination, during which the specialist objectively assesses the condition of the skin, the presence of rashes, scars, various neoplasms, etc. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor can use:

  1. Palpation. In this case, the beautician touches the patient’s skin, checking its elasticity, moisture and elasticity. Pain response and sensitivity are also evaluated.
  2. Dermatoscopy. With the help of a special device – a dermatoscope (a magnifying glass connected to a light source), a specialist examines problem areas under high magnification.
  3. Cebumetry. This test is needed to assess the condition of the sebaceous glands (checking oily skin).
  4. Test for desquamation (peeling). The technique estimates the amount of epidermis (surface layer of the skin) that exfoliates over time.
  5. pH-metry, which allows you to assess the acidity of the skin.

In the process of examination, other methods can be used – it all depends on the nature of the problem with which the client turned to the clinic.

Consultation prices

Dermatocosmetologist700 UAH

You can ask all your questions to our experts. We care about maintaining medical confidentiality. That is why all consultations at the Gold Laser Clinic are confidential – we do not disclose the names and reasons for contacting our clients with third parties. Consult a dermatocosmetologist at Gold Laser in Kiev for advice – keep your skin youthful and beautiful thanks to the experience of our specialists and modern equipment of the clinic!

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