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What is plasmolifting

Plasmolifting is a new and effective methodology in cosmetology that will make you younger and more attractive. The method is based on the injection of plasma from your blood, thanks to the platelets that make up its composition, the skin is rejuvenated.This method is one of the most popular in the framework of anti-aging medicine. Plasmolifting is a procedure that requires high qualification of a doctor and staff; it can be performed in our Gold Laser clinic!Usually, laser plasmolifting is resorted to in the case of:
  • the appearance of small facial wrinkles;
  • age-related skin elastosis;
  • reduction of skin turgor;
  • manifestations of ptosis of the skin.
Scientists have experimentally proven that plasmolifting shows excellent results not only in reducing the manifestations of skin aging, but also prevents hair loss.

Plasmalifting technology

By its technology, the procedure itself resembles mesotherapy, only instead of cocktails made of vitamins, blood plasma is used. It is obtained from 30 ml of your blood using a centrifuge. Then they are injected subcutaneously, mainly with anesthesia. Plasmolifting involves a course of 2-3 procedures, with an interval of 10-14 days. You will see an improvement in skin condition after 2 sessions.The laser plasmolifting procedure is carried out in two stages:
  1. At the first stage, laser skin rejuvenation is performed. The laser beam is directed to the problem areas of the skin, penetrating deeply into all skin layers. During the laser treatment of the skin, the process of cell regeneration and enhanced collagen synthesis begin, giving the skin strength and elasticity. Collagen synthesis lasts from 4 to 6 months.
  2. The second stage – injection skin rejuvenation. The patient is injected with his own plasma under the skin. Plasma, thanks to the platelets contained in it, smoothes wrinkles and restores skin elasticity, as well as relieves swelling. Platelets are considered to stimulate the growth of young tissue in the affected area. The growth factor contained in platelets stimulates the reproduction and division of cells, as a result of which the skin is “younger”. The specific proteins that make up platelets accelerate skin repair, improving metabolic processes. Plasmogel injection gives not only a rejuvenating effect, but also skin tightening.

The principle of plasmolifting

The principle of action is based on the emergence of new cells in the skin, which are formed from stem cells. At the same time, the production of own collagen and elastin is accelerated, metabolic processes and the process of collagen production are improved.Scope of plasmolifting:
  • expression wrinkles;
  • sagging skin after weight loss, prevention of stretch marks after weight loss;
  • dry skin, peeling;
  • acne;
  • help the skin after chemical peeling.
The procedure is recommended regardless of age.The introduction of plasma under the patient’s skin is considered absolutely safe, since the solution is made strictly from the patient’s own blood, therefore, the risk of allergies or infection is completely excluded.

The result of plasmolifting

After 2-3 plasmolifting procedures in Kyiv, hair loss stops, hair growth is accelerated, the problem of excessively oily hair is eliminated. The result of the procedures is fixed for 2 years or more. Your skin will become noticeably younger, your complexion will be radiant, small wrinkles will go away; your skin will become firm and attractive.Contraindications:
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • blood diseases;
  • allergy to anticoagulants;
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • mental illness;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin.
Laser plasmolifting is the most effective way to restore youthful skin. Laser plasma lifting technology in just one session will turn your life into a fairy tale. In addition to a good mood and smile, you will get shiny skin without pigmentation and wrinkles. Laser plasmolifting will help anyone cope with aging skin.

Prices for plasmolifting

Рlasmolifting face2300 UAH
Рlasmolifting neck and hands2000 UAH
Рlasmolifting decollete2300 UAH
Рlasmolifting face, neck, decollete5000 UAH
Рlasmolifting (one area)2300 UAH
Laser plasmolifting face8000 UAH
Laser plasmolifting face, neck, decollete10000 UAH
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