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Every year, the level of collagen and elastin fibers in the skin decreases and their quality also deteriorates. Under the influence of time due to various adverse factors, the superficial muscular aponeurotic system of the face (SMAS) also weakens, and its skeleton function decreases markedly. Outwardly, it also becomes noticeable: the contours of the face fall and deforms.
1. How undergoes the lifting procedure?
2. Benefits of SMAS lifting
3. SMAS lifting video
4. The cost of SMAS lifting
The innovative HIFU device will help us to avoid this, allowing us to coagulate SMAS as necessary, reduce tissue, affecting the hypoderm and the two-layer structure of SMAS itself.

How is the procedure going?

20150120155414_46797A dermatologist performs make-up removal, after which the specialist makes markings on the skin of the face with a special marker. After that, a gel is applied to the skin to enable the visualization of soft tissues and the sliding of the ultrasonic tip. The doctor applies the ultrasound head strictly in accordance with the marked areas. This approach allows you to work precisely in the right area without injuring the surrounding tissue. Also, this procedure can be carried out on the body for lifting, contouring and volume reduction. In one session, it takes from 3 to 8 cm of body volume. No course required.As a result of the procedure, the energy of ultrasound damages collagen and elastin fibers of the surface layer of the muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), collagen fibers are reduced in length, the volume of SMAS is reduced, providing an immediate lift to the face frame. Exposure to ultrasonic energy leads to the activation of the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, which provides an increase in the effect of the procedure for several months.The procedure is carried out at least at two levels of ultrasonic exposure by two different sensors. During exposure to the corresponding layer of soft tissues, dashed lines parallel to each other are formed, consisting of points of thermocoagulation, while the points are the same in size (the distance between them can vary). Thus, a grid of points of thermocoagulation is created.The total processing time for the entire face takes 35-40 minutes. In accordance with the protocol of the procedure, first, one half of the face is processed, after which the doctor gives the patient a mirror, and the patient sees the result of a powerful lifting on the processed half of the face. During the procedure, the patient may feel intense heat and tingling sensation.Immediately after the procedure, skin tension is felt due to tissue swelling. Within two to three days, mild swelling and slight swelling of the treated areas may be observed. Instant lifting is provided by two factors: a decrease in the volume of SMAS and its movement upward as a result of point’s coagulation, compression, and contraction along the length of collagen fibers.Within 2-3 weeks, the treated soft tissues will be a little painful, as after intense physical activity. The lifting effect will increase within 3-5 months. A stable result in most cases lasts for several years. The ultrasonic SMAS lifting procedure is most often performed once, with a stable result that lasts for several years.

Benefits of SMAS lifting procedure

Among the main advantages are the following:smasadv
  • painlessness;
  • non-invasiveness;
  • provides deep penetration without damage to the epidermis (complete absence of scars);
  • the possibility of applying makeup within 15 minutes after the procedure;
  • quick and safe procedure;
  • maintaining the effect after the procedure for a long period;
  • one procedure is enough for a long-lasting effect.
Additional benefits that distinguish the SMAS lifting procedure from other clinics:
  • you pay for the problem area, not the number of pulses (lines). The doctor makes the necessary number of lines, and not by the number of paid impulses. For instance, for a face, the number of lines can reach 500-1000;
  • our clinic uses various nozzles, which vary in penetration depth. For example, for SMAS face lifting, nozzles of 1.5 mm, 3 mm, 4.5 mm are used, while for the body 10 mm. and 13 mm.;
  • lack of a recovery period (rehabilitation period).

SMAS lifting video

The cost of SMAS lifting

12 000 UAH
Eye area
13 000 UAH
14 000 UAH
14 000 UAH
Lower third of the face
20 000 UAH
25 000 UAH
12 000 UAH
14 000 UAH
Face, neck, neckline
40 000 UAH
Body (area 10х20 cm)
10 000 UAH
* The procedure of ultrasonic Smas-lifting is carried out once, but not more often than once every 2 years.
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