Mon-Sun 10:00-20:00
The main specializations of aesthetics in the Gold Laser Clinic are laser procedures. We offer a wonderful and effective procedure in Kyiv- laser resurfacing, which we perform using a fractional laser.
The essence of the process is that certain areas of the facial skin, or in other words, the dots, in a very short period of time absorb the energy of the laser. From heating the skin with laser energy, the old collagen is destroyed, the process of production of the new collagen starts, and thereby to which skin rejuvenation occurs.
It is important that only “dots” are affected, and the rest of the skin does not heat up. This method is called fractional thermolysis or fractional laser resurfacing of the face. Its main advantage is that skin regeneration occurs very quickly, in just one or two days.
The main indications for laser resurfacing are:
The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of:
To obtain the maximum effect from laser resurfacing of the face, it is necessary to take some precautions 2-3 weeks before the procedure:
Skin resurfacing is performed on an outpatient basis and takes about 40 minutes. The doctor applies an antiseptic, sets the parameters of the laser and precisely processes the problem area.
The number of procedures varies from 2 to 5 (in case of treatment of scars and seams). The final effect of laser resurfacing can be assessed in 1-2 months.
After a SMAXEL session, slight burning sensation, swelling, and a light brown crust may occur. The upper layer of the skin is completely restored after 7-10 days though epidermal cells can exfoliate for another 2 weeks.
At this time, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics, visit the sauna, solarium or pool. In the summer period, direct sunlight on the face should also be avoided; otherwise, there is a risk of hyperpigmentation.
Using SMAXEL technology, resurfacing of stretch marks, eyelids (upper and lower), décolleté, neck, hands and body as well as face resurfacing is performed.
Complex laser resurfacing of stretch marks, neckline, face, and neck takes only half an hour. Scars and seams are just as easy to correct with a laser. Just in a week, you will already notice the result. In order for the procedure to go comfortably and painless, local anesthesia is applied, recovery takes place in the shortest possible time: slight redness of the skin disappears in 2-3 days.
SMAXEL technology allows you to look several years younger after a single procedure, without a long time to recover from the procedure.
The procedure uses a CO2 laser (so-called hot laser), which unlike an erbium laser warms up the skin. This effect stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, due to which a powerful lifting effect is observed. A CO2 laser vaporizes the skin up to 3-4 mm, while erbium up to 1 mm, which is very superficial.
First of all, the speed of performing the procedure, only half an hour will take to comprehensively process entire face, neck and décolleté. To achieve a good result, just one procedure is enough. In addition, the procedure is absolutely painless.
SMAXEL technology will help you deal with the issue without the intervention of a surgeon. Recovery after laser resurfacing of the face does not take much time; it is conducted non-contact and has no side effects. The procedure can be combined with injection techniques. Most importantly, you will have a long and lasting positive result after a fractional laser.
We are sure that the price of laser resurfacing of face skin and stretch marks in our clinic will please you!
Also for regular customers, we have established the system of various discounts!
Face + Eye area | 6000 UAH | ||
Face, neck | 8000 UAH | ||
Face, neck, décolleté | 10000 UAH | ||
Neck | 4000 UAH | ||
Eye area (upper and lower eyelid lift) | 4000 UAH | ||
Décolleté | 4000 UAH | ||
Hands | 4000 UAH | ||
Striae (zone 10×10 cm) | 4000 UAH | ||
Scar up to 4 cm | 800 UAH | ||
Laser scar removal 10 cm | 3000 UAH | ||
Laser scar removal over 10 cm | 3500 UAH | ||
Face (CO2 resurfacing + RF lifting + plasma) | 10000 UAH | ||
Face, neck, décolleté (CO2 resurfacing + RF lifting + plasma) | 15000 UAH | ||
Anesthesia (cream) | 700 UAH |
Я довго вагалася чи йти на цю процедуру і куди. Потрапила в голдлазер, була приємно здивована, по перше роботою з клієнтами, без проблем запис на зручний час і будь який день, все для клієнта, а по друге, лікарі ,які там працюють- приємні і кваліфіковані спеціалісти. Знаю,що це курсова процедура, готувалася до тривалого лікування але результат не змусив себе чекати.Він мене вразив , мої шрамі і рубці після постакне майже зникли. Велике Вам дякую,Ви майстри своєї справи!
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