Mon-Sun 10:00-20:00
Acne disease is a disease of hair follicles or sebaceous glands. It is known that about 80% of people aged 12 to 25 years and about 30-40% of people over 25 years of age suffer from acne. Acne, as well as their terrible consequences, has a detrimental effect on the psyche and human health.
The formation of blackheads often occurs during puberty, due to the production of excess sebum by the sebaceous glands. It comes into contact with dead skin cells, forming the so-called “cork” that closes the ducts of the glands. Because of this, sebum accumulates in some places, leading to excessive growth of anaerobic bacteria (“anaerobes” – organisms that receive energy in the absence of oxygen) under the name P.Acne (this is where the name of this disease came), the product of which porphyrin is considered. So, if you prevent any possibility of the formation of porphyrin with the help of oxygen, then you can get rid of acne. Porphyrin under the influence of light rays is converted into oxygen and thus anaerobic bacteria die.
Treatment of acne with old methods lasts from 2 to 6 months, while the skin can become oilier than when using phototherapy. With the help of phototherapy, acne begins to disappear 10-14 days after the treatment was started and completely disappear after 1-2 months. To completely recover from acne, it will take only 6-8 procedures. Thanks to the treatment, you will get healthy beautiful skin and unusually attractive skin color that will not leave anyone indifferent at the sight of you. Phototherapy is ideal for those people whose illness has been observed for a sufficiently long period: this treatment is more effective than conventional treatment and cleanses the skin much faster.
There are a number of advantages to the treatment of acne with phototherapy, due to which more and more people are looking for this type of treatment to get rid of tiresome acne:
There are a number of contraindications to the treatment of acne with phototherapy:
To avoid complications during treatment, the following recommendations should be followed:
Face | 2 500 UAH |
Back (upper part) | 4 000 UAH |
Zone 10×10 cm | 2 500 UAH |
Acne 1 flash (1 inflammatory element) | 900 UAH |
Лікування в клініці Gold Laser краще що трапилося з моєю шкірою. Прийшла із запущеним акне, думаючи, що це вже не вилікувати (за діагнозом іншого дерматолога), але зараз ремісія та я не можу налюбуватися своєю шкірою. Дякую за допомогу!
Саме тут я вилікувала акне, яке довгий час не давало мені спокою та зробила декілька апаратних процедур для лікування постакне. Як то кажуть результат на обличчя, шкіра стала шовкова та гладенька. Я дуже задоволена роботою фахівців клініки.
Ціную Gold Laser за професіоналізм, досвід лікарів та тактичність в спілкуванні з клієнтами. Завжди всі усміхнені, дружелюбна атмосфера. Мені імпонує клієнтоорієнтованість та цінова політика клініки. Обираю для себе якість в першу чергу!
The service from the clinic was highly professional and the advice and treatment I was given has helped greatly with my condition. I would definitely recommend the clinic to friends in need.
Хочу подякувати фахівцям клініки Gold laser за чисту та здорову шкіру обличчя. Я вилікувала акне та позбулася рубців постакне. Якщо порівняти стан моєї шкіри до відвідування дерматолога та зараз, то це неймовірна різниця. Зараз отримую безліч компліментів своїй зовнішності.
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