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Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a very common nail disease that affects and destroys fingernails and toenails and is an infectious disease. If untreated, onychomycosis can pass from the nail plate to the skin and then the whole organism is intoxicated.

The disease may be accompanied by:

  • inflammatory processes around the nail;
  • thickening of the nail plate;
  • darkening of the nails to brown-yellow.

For laser therapy of onychomycosis, a neodymium laser has proven itself in Europe. The beam length of a neodymium laser is 1064 nm, it allows the laser beam to penetrate to a sufficient depth of the nail plate (up to 7 mm), to get into areas where the agents and solutions for external treatment of onychomycosis cannot penetrate. The laser beam destroys the fungus mycelium and does not harm the tissues surrounding the nail and the nail plate itself. Before the procedure, you must consult a dermatologist to verify a diagnosis, after which you can proceed to laser treatment of onychomycosis.

The benefits of laser treatment for nail fungus

Today, the most effective treatment for nail fungus is laser treatment:

  • the laser beam penetrates deep into the nail plate;
  • the laser exposure temperature during the procedure is controlled by a doctor, therefore side effects (burns, trauma to the nail plate) are excluded;
  • the fungus of the nail plate does not adapt to laser exposure, due to this only 4-5 procedures are required for the complete cure;
  • no rehabilitation required;
  • no side effects;
  • painlessly;
  • the procedure lasts 30 minutes;
  • no preparation for the procedure is required;
  • long lasting result.

Unlike other clinics with similar services, we offer fungus treatment with a neodymium laser. Only a neodymium laser kills the fungus mycelium; other lasers do not have such an effect.


Tangible relief will appear in a month. The final result of laser therapy can be evaluated after 6-12 months. During this time, the nails will go through a phase of full growth – and completely replaced with new ones.

Thorough laser treatment of skin and nails affected by mycosis has 90-95% effective rate. In advanced cases, at the discretion of the attending physician, complex drug treatment is simultaneously prescribed. It is this combination that most often gives the best result.

Some facts:

  • 15% of people (over 18 years old) in Ukraine suffer from onychomycosis (nail fungus), which is about 7,000,000 people;
  • the incidence of fungus increases with age;
  • the disease progresses and can lead to complete loss of nails, as well as infection of family members and others;
  • the cost of a course of treatment with antimycotic drugs is from 3000 to 4000 UAH. Treatment with systemic drugs is toxic and it’s efficiency about 50-60%;
  • the cost of treatment with local drugs is 300-1500 UAH and it’s efficiency about 10-15%;
  • The cost of laser treatment is 3000-4000 UAH and it’s efficiency over 80%.


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