Mon-Sun 10:00-20:00
Gold Laser offers vessel resection – an effective and almost painless method of varices treatment. Varicose disease is a polyetiologic disease caused by different factors, including:
The disease consists in the lumen of perforating veins (veins connecting the subcutaneous and deep venous systems) getting wider leading to relative insufficiency of valves. There is a sensation of heaviness in the legs, venous nets appear, veins project above the skin, shin skin is hyperpigmented, feet and shins get swollen. However, the most dangerous is the thrombosis of veins prone to varicose changes.
As shown in numerous studies, almost half (30-40%) of able-bodied population suffer from the varicose disease.
Several methods are used for treating varices today. The most sparing and the least invasive is laser coagulation. It consists in joining the damaged veins by forming a dense thrombus. The procedure does not leave visible scars or bruises and has almost no complications.
At initial stages of vessel dilation, sclerotherapy is no less effective. Sclerosants are injected into a vein gluing it together from inside. The procedure is not traumatic and is done on an ambulatory basis. In neglected cases, a surgical intervention – phlebectomy – is required. The damaged veins are eliminated up to their complete removal. Different treatment techniques can liquidate both major vessels and subcutaneous knotted veins.
It is the doctor who selects the treatment technique depending on the stage of the disease and the patient’s individual features. Laser coagulation and sclerotherapy are done under local anesthesia on an ambulatory basis. The patient has to take a shower and shave the limb, on which the veins will be removed. Then the patient lies on a couch, and the doctor marks the affected areas.
In endovasal coagulation, a thin optical conductor is introduced into the vein lumen, and its radiation welds defective parts together. In sclerotherapy, a drug is injected into the vessel, destroys the vessel’s inner layer and welding the walls together. 3–6 sessions are needed to achieve the desired effect.
Phlebectomy is a more complicated procedure – the surgeon ties up the affected veins and pulls them using a rigid probe. The tunneling technique is often used for operations on shins and thighs, when parts of vessels are removed through small cuts. The miniphlebectomy technique is used if there are single vein branches. In this case, the doctor pulls the vessels out through micropunctures using a thin hook. The average duration of the surgery is 1 to 2 hours.
There are two alternative radical methods of treating the varicose disease: compression sclerotherapy and phlebectomy (surgical vein removal).
The latter method implies the patient’s examination before the operation, in-patient stay, narcosis and surgery. There will be cosmetic losses and a long rehabilitation period.
Phlebectomy is surgical removal of varicose veins. The aim of this method is to normalize blood flow in deep veins. If an angiosurgeon recommends this method, do not delay the surgery. The sooner it is done, the faster the blood flow will get stabilized, and you will avoid varicose complications.
Before the surgery, the doctor will make recommendations that you need to follow.
Indications to surgical vein removal:
Contraindications include:
Recommendations will vary for every individual patient depending on the severity of the varicose disease, chronic diseases and the surgery extent and nature.
It is recommended to bend and turn legs during the first hours. A dressing with a compress is applied on the day after the surgery. Walking is allowed only the dressing. A slight massage and rehabilitation exercises are recommended to prevent thrombosis. On day 8-9, sutures are taken out; compresses with elastic bandage are required for two months after the operation.
During this period, it is recommended to take venotonic drugs and avoid any physical exercise. There are almost no complications in low-invasive techniques, and the rehabilitation is fast. Phlebectomy is fraught with bruising, wound festering, hemorrhage, and numbness of skin that are resolved on their own within several months.
To avoid a relapse of varices, the following recommendations need to be observed:
Angiosurgeons at our clinic will consult you on the treatment of varices in Kyiv.
Manipulation name | Ph.D. (Medicine) | Plastic surgeon |
Laser treatment of the varicose disease (1 leg) | 910 euro | 700 euro |
* payment in UAH at the rate applicable on the day of payment
Хочу поделиться своими впечатлениями по лечению варикоза, которым я страдала еще с юности. Сейчас мне 46 лет. Пользовалась мазями и таблетками лет с 20. Ничего не помогало...Последний год был особенно мучительным. Мало того, что у меня были узлы и видны вены, ужасно стали отекать щиколотки уже к обеду, и ноги до области колен сильно жгло. Обратилась к сосудистому хирургу в Gold Laser. Решили прибегнуть к лазерному лечению. Делается маленькое отверстие вверху бедра, куда вставляется лазер и он склеивает внутри больную вену, а потом через маленькие проколы удаляют узлы. Я думала, что это будет под общим наркозом, будут ужасные швы, но все было сделано под местным наркозом, быстро, после операции мне надели компрессионные чулки и сказали ходить не менее часа. Чулки носила 2 недели. Операцию сделала в сентябре прошлого года. Недавно была на УЗИ, сообщили, что у меня все отлично!!!
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