Mon-Sun 10:00-20:00
The popularity of abdominoplasty cannot be disputed. Despite the fact that it has been conducted for several decades, it is still widely popular today. This is a rather difficult procedure, which requires serious preparation from the surgeon. Abdominoplasty is an operation during which excess body fat and skin are excised and the abdomen is restored to its correct shape.
The main causes of changes in the appearance of the abdomen are pregnancy and a sedentary lifestyle. The latter leads to the fact that the skin-fatty layers in the abdomen begin to increase, due to which it is deformed. Child-bearing also leaves an imprint on the body of almost every woman. As a result of such a long exposure, the skin is stretched and stretch marks appear on the stomach. In more serious cases, the rectus muscles diverge completely, the navel is deformed. All this can be corrected only with the help of abdominoplasty.
Abdominoplasty should be performed in the case of:
Since this is a rather traumatic and serious procedure, a very good state of health is required from the patient.
The patient will be denied the procedure in the case of:
Today, there are several methods of abdominoplasty, the most popular of them are classic, vertical and combined lifting.
Classical abdominoplasty
The essence of the classical technique is as follows: a small circular incision is formed around the navel and horizontal along the bikini line. After that, the surgeon of the Gold Laser Clinic gently selects and raises the skin and its fatty tissue from the abdominal wall. After that, the doctor strengthens and carefully connects the abdominal rectus muscles with each other. Then the doctor proceeds to simpler manipulations: forms the location and shape of the navel and removes excess skin so that the stomach looks elastic and smooth.
Often, surgeons recommend performing classical abdominoplasty in combination with liposuction – thus more noticeable results can be achieved. After the surgical part, the doctor proceeds to install drainage (to remove residual blood and tissue fluid). In this way, strengthening the diverged abdominal muscles makes it possible to make your waist thinner, and a cut along the bikini line allows you to make the scar from the operation completely invisible.
Vertical abdominoplasty
Vertical abdominoplasty is an operation in which the incision is performed exactly along the midline of the abdomen. Excess tissue is stretched on both sides of it. Stretch marks with this method of exposure completely disappear. Such an operation is much simpler than the classical one, but a visible scar remains from it, which can no longer be masked. Within 1 month you will have to wear a corset so that the seams do not open.
Combined Abdominoplasty
The combined method is a combination of the two operations described above. In this case, 2 incisions are made immediately: the skin is pulled from above and below, left and right. The length of the vertical incision depends on the amount of excess tissue that needs to be removed. Combined abdominoplasty is one of the most serious and complex operations.
Abdominoplasty or “Tummy tuck” is the only possible way to get rid of a skin-fat apron and strengthen the muscles of the abdominal region. If only an abundance of body fat is observed, and the skin is quite elastic and resilient, then only the liposuction could be done. This procedure is less invasive and involves pumping fat through small punctures. Frequently, with severe ptosis and obesity, a whole range of corrective procedures are used, including the same liposuction.
Abdominoplasty is a rather complicated operation requiring the special skills of the surgeon. The duration of a standard procedure is on average from 2 to 4 hours. The doctor dissects excess skin and fatty tissue on the anterior abdominal wall along predefined horizontal or vertical lines. Then tightens the muscles, moves the navel to a new position and sews the edges together. With mini-abdominoplasty, all manipulations are limited only to tissue tightening and the formation of clear contours of the waist. This procedure is less traumatic than the classical one and leaves behind a short seam above the pubic area.
After the operation, the suture is treated with an antiseptic solution, and a special bandage is put on the stomach. The first days the patient is in the hospital under the supervision of a surgeon, as well as another month at home. Extensive hematomas and swelling are observed, which completely disappear in a few months. The suture is removed in 14th day, while the visible scar remains for up to 6 months. If desired, it can be reduced by laser resurfacing.
At this time, it is recommended:
To facilitate the rehabilitation period, lymphatic drainage massage, algal wrap, mesotherapy and a number of other physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed. You can return to your usual life already in the third month, and in the case of minimal intervention – in 1-1.5 months.
Thanks to abdominoplasty, you will get a beautiful tummy. With compliance to all the doctor’s prescriptions during the recovery period and the subsequent maintenance of the permissible weight norm, the correction effect lasts for a long time. Planning a pregnancy and giving birth is allowed no earlier than a year after the procedure.
Head physician | Plastic surgeon | |
Abdominoplasty | 3000 euro | 3000 euro |
Miniabdominoplasty | 1500 euro | 1500 euro |
Elimination of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (classic method) | 1500 euro | 1500 euro |
Elimination of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (endoscopic method) | 3500 euro | 3500 euro |
* payment is made in UAH at the exchange rate at the time of payment |
Clinic: Сlean and didn't smell like a typical hospital/clinic. Staff in this clinic: very nice, helpful, spoke English. Surgeon: knew exactly what he was doing straight to the point. Very responsive on contacting you for your appointments next day etc, and good 24.7 assistance. Can't talk about my results as it's very soon but from what I can see it looks very good and extremely happy at this stage. Better service in Ukraine. Definitely recommend. Hope this sways many to go ahead with this surgery especially at this clinic, you won't be disappointed.
Лично для меня очень в таких вещах очень важна стерильность и профессионализм людей, совершающих подобные манипуляции. Этой клинике я полностью доверяю. Условия полной гигиены (так как это и должно быть в подобных учреждениях) и персонал опытные врачи и косметологи, имеющие соответствующие дипломы и образование. Четко отлажена работа. Прием по записи, если Вы цените свое время, то это тоже очень удобно. Атмосфера клиника очень приятна, уютна, чувствуешь себя спокойно. Я очень довольна и всем рекомендую.
Сделала абдоминопластику в этой клинике, выбирала врача интуитивно, отзывов немного, поэтому хочу оставить свой восторженный отзыв. Хирург само спокойствие, очень уверенный в том, что делает. Результат получился лучше, чем я ожидала! Прошел месяц, швы без коросточек и т.п. уже ношу силиконовый пластырь и снимаю компрессионное белье на ночь. Пропал страх перед пластической хирургией! Скорей всего вернусь в эту клинику еще раз)))
Полгода назад в вашей клинике мне сделали абдоминопластику. Я впервые в жизни получила море положительных эмоций от посещения медицинского заведения и хочу выразить безмерную благодарность всем докторам за их внимание и высокий профессионализм, за талию, которая у меня наконец появилась, за мой новый животик. И конечно же я Вас прощаю за то, что мне пришлось обновить гардероб!!! Вы и представить не можете сколько сейчас я получаю удовольствия от походов по магазинам и от комплиментов!
Я относительно недавно родила свою малышку, но во время беременности я много кушала, да и вообще ребенок был немаленьким, и животик из-за этого у меня был большим. Но после родов естественно все не восстановилось. Во-первых остался живот и немного кожи, но самое страшное это то, что остались растяжки, с которыми ,я думала, можно справится только косметически, чисто замазать тональным кремом и все. Совсем недавно я посетила эту клинику по совету подруг, которые тут делали совсем другие процедуры и проконсультировалась тут хорошенько. После чего я решила сделать абдоминопластику. Процедура не сильно простая, но мне животик был важен, чтобы на пляже не стыдно было показать. После проделанной работы хирургом, я еще какое-то время восстанавливалась, но сейчас это выглядит как небо и земля, совсем по-другому. Спасибо вашей клинике и специалистам.
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