Gold laser – is a clinic of laser plastic surgery and cosmetology of European level in Kiev. Our goal is to keep your youth and beauty, to make you more attractive, younger and more self-confident. Our clinic has high-tech equipment from world-famous manufacturers, which enables us to perform successfully as operations so cosmetic procedures. Our experts are the best in their field, and this is what helps us to use the newest innovations in the field of laser cosmetology and plastic surgery. Experience of our plastic surgeons is from 8 to 20 years. Numerous diplomas of our doctors and other documents are available on our website. We also offer everyone to see our gallery, which presents photos before and after the procedures of our clients who agreed for their pictures to be posted. The rest of the results of work of our surgeons and dermatocosmetologists can be seen on a personal consultation with your chosen doctor.
Facial plastic surgery services: blepharoplasty, facelift, rhinoplasty, otoplasty, lipofilling, laser liposuction.Plastic surgery of the body: treatment of alopecia, outpatient surgery, treatment of varicose veins, breast plastic, liposuction, abdominoplasty, gluteoplasty (plastic of the buttocks), lipofilling, laser treatment of hyperhidrosis, sclerotherapy of veins.Laser plastic surgery: laser blepharoplasty, laser treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis, laser liposuction.Laser cosmetology: laser hair removal.Injection cosmetology: biorevitalization, mezonite, surgical threads, lip augmentation, wrinkle removal, sweating treatment, contour plastics, mesotherapy, plasmolifting.We use only the most modern equipment to improve the beauty of your body and skin:HIFU SMAS-lifting BU: Tera – facelift of the face and body oval
ALEX LASER – laser hair removal of light and dark hair on light skin
ND: YAG LASER-laser epilation, vascular removal, treatment of onychomycosis of nails
CO2 FRACTIONAL LASER SMAXEL – laser fractional grinding, removal of neoplasms, laser blepharoplasty and other operations that require cutting the skin with a laser
ND: YAG LASER LIPO – laser liposuction, laser treatment of hyperhidrosis
DIODE LASER – laser hair removal for dark hair for all skin types
DEAGE (RF) – radio wave RF-lifting, face and body skin lifting
LPG CELLU M6 KEYMODULE I – vacuum-roller massage, lymphatic drainage, removal of sagging skin, cellulite.
WATER PEELING AQUA LUX- cleansing pores, nutrition, oxygenation of the skin, moisturizing.
Specialists in Gold laser – are the greatest asset of our clinic. We have highly qualified doctors, each of whom is a true professional, always ready to apply his knowledge in practice. We guarantee high quality of services, modern level of service, professionalism and competence of our doctors; comfort before, after and during procedures and of course confidentiality. Our team of professionals will help you achieve your goals! If you are now in search of “your” cosmetology clinic and “your” specialist – we are waiting for you in Gold laser!
Липофилинг лица
Лазерная липосакция подбородка
Склеротерапия вен
Лазерный липолиз подбородка
Лазерное хирургическое удаление липомы
Лечение гипергидроза RF-иглами
Лазерное интимное отбеливание
Лечение выпадения волос - Плазмотерапия
Фракционное лазерное удаление растяжек
Чистка лица в клинике Gold laser
Химический пилинг в клинике Gold laser
SMAS-лифтинг в клинике Gold laser
Клиника Gold laser в передаче 'За живе' - лазерное удаление растяжек
Лечение потливости (гипергидроза) в клинике Gold Laser
Лазерное лечение грибка ногтей (онихомикоза) в клинике Gold Laser
Тредлифтинг мезонитями в клинике Gold Laser
Лазерное удаление новообразований в клинике Gold Laser
Лазерное удаление сосудов в клинике Gold Laser
Лазерная эпиляция неодимовым лазером в клинике Gold Laser
Липофилинг губ, скул и носогубных складок и клинике Gold Laser
Лазерная блефаропластика в клинике Gold Laser
Филлер на основе гиалуроновой кислоты - Удаление морщин в клинике Gold Laser
Фракционный RF-лифтинг в клинике Gold Laser
Лазерная Эпиляция (Александритовый лазер) в клинике Gold Laser
Лазерная липосакция (липолиз) в клинике Gold Laser
Биоревитализация кожи лица в клинике Gold Laser
Плазмолифтинг лица в клинике Gold Laser
Мезотерапия волосистой части головы в клинике Gold Laser
Лазерная Шлифовка Лица - DOT Therapy в клинике Gold Laser
LPG-массаж в клинике Gold Laser
Контурная пластика - увеличение губ в клинике Gold Laser